Anyway, after pulling my (remaining) hair out and wondering what on earth I would blog about today, I started thinking of all the laughs my family and friends have at my expense. Then I thought maybe you’d like to join in on the chuckle.
So, here is a run down on the many ways I schedule or attempt to schedule.
When we go on vacation, I have a vacation schedule. How else will we know when we can relax and when we have some serious educational vacationing to do! (I jest) Actually, I have a schedule so Big Daddy knows when I expect him to be around and when he can take off for the nearest golf course!
I have a baby schedule posted on the fridge. I blame her occasional lack of following my carefully planned out schedule on the fact that she has not yet gotten Hooked on Phonics. Still its there. I also have a baby log where I log her bottles, diaper changes, naps etc. It helps my mommy brain as I run to and fro, from child to child, and activity to activity. It started with the twins and what can I say? Old habits die hard.
Last week I made a Correction & Celebration Chart for our family. Its not as pretty as I’d like it to be. But it’s effective. It works and that is more important, right? It is working for our family and serves as a good reminder for me too. How many times have I grumbled and complained as I went about my daily duties?
I have a menu planner. But as Big Daddy knows, I rarely follow it and often go months in between posting a new one. So, let’s not go there. Forget about the meal planner. I often do.
I have a teaching schedule and lesson plans. These are no laughing matter. Without it I wouldn’t know where to begin. For me, seeing my schedule laid out in chunks makes it all manageable and doable.
I also created Schedule Cards for the kids. You can download yourself a set of 45 of them at my other blog, Passport Academy. The kids like seeing what is going to happen next and I like shouting “go look at the schedule” every time they ask me what is going to happen next. Okay, maybe I don’t shout. Maybe I just sigh heavily and point to the calendar.
Hope you had a laugh at my expense. Feel free to share your organizational quirks in the comments.
Have you been peeking in my window?? This is SO me too!