There is a Momversation going on about which is harder: Marriage or Motherhood?
Blog O Beth thinks Motherhood is and wrote about it on her blog. After pondering the question myself this is what I came up with. For me, marriage is the hands-down harder thing.
Look at how many posts I wrote about being a Mommy vs being a Wife?
Clearly I need help in the wife department and its not for lack of loving Big Daddy.
I have far more patience and interest in the seemingly mundane things of life with my children. I am interested in everything they are interested. I cannot say the same about Big Daddy’s interests. I can tell you more things about bugs and construction vehicles than I ever thought humanly possible. But let Big Daddy try to blather on about his golf handicap or a new swing technique…
When my children are sick I don’t mind waiting on them. I do it and I don’t begrudge them. I have deep empathy for their poor little sick selves. I cut the sandwiches in cute shapes and declare marathon movie day! If Big Daddy is sick, I roll my eyes, snort and show no mercy. After all, do my responsibilities come to screeching hault when Mama is sick? I think not. Suck it up Big Daddy!
I love my children unconditionally. There is nothing they could do that would make me stop loving them. Yes, I will have to correct their behavior, but the love will be there always. There are many things Big Daddy could do that would make me not only dislike him, but possibly not love him anymore…and that is where God’s grace comes in. Through his grace and his divine design, man and woman are able to be married—despite all of our differences! Our marriage is stronger through each challenge and what doesn’t come as naturally as my maternal feelings, comes through time spent together and F-A-I-T-H. Through our mutual relationship with Jesus Christ we are able to have the marriage we have, and find the strength we need to weather the storms. So while our love for each other might not be completely unconditional, it is deeply rooted in faith and unconditional love for Him and for our children.
Yes, for me marriage is harder than motherhood. But I’m ever so grateful (and undeserving) for both and I am blessed to be married to Big Daddy.
And big daddy is lucky to be married to you!