I know it’s hard to believe, but I actually have a money saving idea to share with all of you! The best part of all is that it not only saves money, but it’s GREEN and helps reduce clutter!
My love of books and homeschooling materials was wrecking havoc on my home and oraganization, until I discovered PaperbackSwap.com
With Paperbackswap.com I could list and swap all of the books I no longer wanted and earn credits. You receive ONE credit for EVERY book you mail to another member. Then I could use my credits at any time to “purchase” books from ANY MEMBER on Paperbackswap.com.
It’s very simple and highly automated.
You can even purchase the postage online and print the address labels using standard size paper.
Using it is as simple as 1-2-3
1.) Upload your 10 books and get 2 credits immediately (even if no one requests them).
2.) Use your credits to select books from the system (you can also create wishlists).
3.) Wait for your book to arrive. In the meantime, if anyone requests a book from you, you mail it to them and earn 1 additional credit per book you mail.
I have been a member since March 2008 and have already saved over $560 in less than a year!
You can view my online bookshelf and see if anything strikes your fancy.
Since there are NO FEES, you can sign up for free.
When you do, please use KarinKath as the referring member!
If you sign up today and list 10 books you will get 2 free credits so you can begin trading today! Just click here to get started and let me know when you upload your bookshelf so that I can check it out too!
How funny — I just posted about PaperBackSwap a couple of days ago! I really love that site too. Isn’t it such a cool idea?