I recently wrote an article for Heart of the Matter Magazine that included back to school tips for homeschooling moms. One of the tips most commented on was my suggestion of creating a mom uniform.
Oprah once featured a show that had hundreds of mothers wearing baggy sweat pants, oversize t-shirts and their hair twisted in a knot on top of their head. Yep, it was a nationwide mom uniform—and it sucked!
Did I mention I wore it too?
Yes, many mothers already have a mom uniform.
Its just not one that they can feel proud about or being seen in.
After years of Big Daddy complaining I finally got my act together and so can you.
Throw out those baggy sweats, t-shirts and hair scrunchie. You don’t need the lazy temptation.
You can do it.
Then, come up with a uniform you can be proud of.
T-shirts and jeans,
shorts and a tank,
Polo shirts and jeans, short, slacks etc.
twin sets
Whatever it is, decide on the look and then build your wardrobe around that.
You can build a great wardrobe cheap. So don’t use money as an excuse.
If you need help check out my friend Andy Paige’s website, Cents of Style she has great tips and even offers a beauty boot camp and personal shopping assistance.
You will be so glad you did.
No more hiding behind the soda displays at the grocery store.
In my own personal quest to be the cool, hip, stylish mom I’ve decided to change up my mom uniform to include tanks and jeans. I was never really a jean person, but I’m going to give it a try for fall—-in Florida, so I hope I don’t sweat to death in the jeans!
Here are a few that I’m currently obsessing over available from Ellembee
Floral tank in celedon or Robin’s egg blue
Lacy Indigo v-neck
Chocolate brown scoop Dandelion Wishes
You can also hop over to A Soft Place to Land and enter the contest to win one of these cute shirts. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the Floral tank in celedon.
I’m pretty much a jeans and t-shirt mom. The trouble is, I’m trying to lose weight and don’t want to buy clothes right now until I’m done…so I have about two pair of jeans and three shirts that fit. I do laundry a lot. LOL
Thanks for talking up my giveaway! You’re the best! I really want to make sure these sellers get lots of traffic.
Good luck!
Super cutie tank! And you’re right: There’s really no excuse for looking crazy, but we moms spend so much time making sure everybody else in the house looks good when they leave the house that we hardly pay attention to ourselves. Thanks for the reminder that we should take care of ourselves, too!
Loving that green tank!
My younger sister is lives in NYC and is always fashionable– plus she has the body type that can wear anything and look great (which requires being slightly smaller chested, believe it or not). Ample bosomed women need to practice a little more care in their clothing– no button up shirts for me- they always pull. I digress… sorry!
Anyhow, aforementioned sister told me “It’s just as easy to put on something cute as it is to put on something ugly!” Ummm… YES, DRILL SARGEANT!!!
My uniform consists of jeans/t-shirt, skirt/t-shirt, capri/tanks. But only ones that I feel pretty in… all the so-so things have been tossed (hooray for me!).
See what you did? If you weren’t already tired of my hundred comments in one sitting, you’ll get tired quickly of my fashion rants (not that I’m cutting edge or anything… but I do heart some clean lined, classic clothing!)
Have you been peeking in my windows??? LOL
I think you are right abut the uniform. A few years ago I realized I felt better about myself if I got up, got cleaned and dressed, just like I was spending the day out of the house. Somehow, I take my work a home more seriously when I do.