Big Daddy once told me in an exasperated voice,
“The fridge is not a filing cabinet!”
Ah Big Daddy, He loves me so!
I guess that pretty much sums up how I view organizing a fridge.
I like things on certain shelves, facing a certain way.
Four kids later I lost my way and our fridge looked absolutely horrible in my opinion.
I felt ill every time I looked inside it.
Not for unsanitary reasons, but for lack of organization.
Organization is essential to my well being.
Opening a freezer that looks like this:
Well, it makes me happy.
And you know what they say.
If Mama ain’t happy; Ain’t nobody happy!
What makes you happy?
Do you have any organizational quirks?
Wow!! I wish I could keep my freezer and fridge like that. Mine is clean, but not so organized.
I try to be organized about most things, but I’m not so good at putting things back where they belong.