Pooba gave me this Blog Award and like the flu bug I’m passing it along.
The lucky recipients are:
A long way from the Theta House
The Adventures of a Quirky Mom
The rules are you must pass the love along to 10 other blogs who update their blogs at least twice a week. Pooba said once a week, but I have higher standards—-And will probably never get another blog award as long as I live!

I read so many blogs (118) it was hard to choose just 10 so don’t feel hurt if I didn’t pick you. Unlike Pooba, it doesn’t mean that I hate you—– and your mother.
Congrats and thanks!
I have to go check out Pooba now. Hating me and my mother. LOL
Hahaha! Oh I love it, and yes, you are much kinder than I! Keep your standards high girl!
(Isn't it so hard to choose just 10 bloggers? Phew!)
hahaha! don't you talk about my momma! :snort:
you are so sweet to me. i am glad we're friends!
Congratulations sweet girl! AND THANK YOU!!!!
You're so sweet!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much. Sorry it's taken so long to get back with you…