I have a confession.
For as much as advocate for stay-at-home mothers;
For as much as I remind my friends that what they do has value;
For as much as I believe that motherhood is one of the most important jobs in the world…
When asked what I do, I frequently reply,
“Oh, I’m just a Mom”
Or even worse, “I don’t work. I’m just a Mom.”
Why do I do that?
I am household manager, on call-nurse, home educator, counselor, day time entertainment, night time entertainment, on call night nurse, cook, baker, comforter, rule enforcer, librarian, book reader, referee, swim instructor, lifeguard, zoo keeper, keeper of secrets, encourager, Manners Police, search and rescue of lost toys, historian, photographer, event planner, personal shopper, child safety expert, car seat installer, housekeeper, laundress, and so much more that I cannot even remember right now out of shear exhaustion.
A mother isn’t just any one thing.
So, why do I say that?
I need to work on that.
Do you?
I just found out that The Motherload has a similar post! Great minds think alike! Which is probably more of a compliment for me than her! I’ve been brain dead lately and mulling over a few topics that are causing me heart ache…this being one of them.
We need to stop saying the word “just” and then it sounds so much better!
I love your post and posted something very similar just now. I hope if you come by you won't think I copied you. It just goes to show you how we moms are all living parallel lives.
I would be happy to link to you in my post, too. It's actually kinda funny what similar wavelengths we're on today. I hope you aren't upset or thinking I stole your idea. I had someone steal my kids' photos off my blog last week, so now I'm hyper aware/senstive/paranoid…
anyway, let me know.
A Mom is Everthing… Love this post!
wow..thats convicting.. I know I have said that too. Thanks for the reminder..it makes me examine my heart and wonder am I really choosing gratitude for this God ordained calling
Great post
It's funny because I have read quite a few blog posts lately very similar to this… must be on A LOT of moms' minds.
Not sure if I've ever uttered the phrase “just a mom”. I think it's quite obvious when I meet new people what I “do” (usually because of the line of ducklings trailing behind me!), but occasionally someone will ask if I work “outside the home” and I'm actually quite proud to answer NO. I think that people seem more impressed by the fact that I don't. And I think they KNOW my job is much harder than theirs. 😉
While I don't say “just a mom”, I do always get this feeling that when I say “I stay at home with my kids” that people will think less of me.
But you know what? I AM SO WRONG.
They are usually a bit envious and tell me that it is great that I am there with my children. The only odd occasion is if I'm talking to another mom, in which case it's hit or miss whether or not they think it's a good thing. Sometimes they say it's a good thing for me but they could never be with their kids all day, which is also a response I get when they find out we homeschool.
I have found that whatever I say, I should say it with a SMILE. That makes everyone happy for you– and yourself happy too. 🙂 Even my speech can be done heartily as unto the Lord!
I know, it's crazy. You have the hardest job of all, one that most people aren't even qualified to do well. Why the instinct to apologize?
I met someone last year that introduced himself (he was British worked for UNICEF), and then introduced his wife (a stay-at-home mom) as the “Officer of Home Affairs”. I loved that. 🙂