I spent the better part of the weekend trying to determine the sex of our Guinea Pig pair…and let me tell you this is not as easy as you’d think. There are even detailed guidelines to help you.
But before I wax poetic on my weekend spent investigating the private parts of Guinea Pigs, I have to tell you about a conversation I overheard between our twin boys.
The main character of this story will remain nameless, to protect his precious innocence.
While running around frantic getting everything we needed for our (impulse) purchase of two Guinea Pigs, NAMELESS SON overheard a pet shop attendant (from another pet store) giving me instructional tips on properly determining whether or not we had boy or girl guinea pigs.
In her expert Pet Shop opinion all I needed to do was, “Just move the fur and push down gently on their belly. If something comes out it’s a boy.”
I nodded politely but planned on just going to the vet.
Later in the car I overhear NAMELESS SON telling his twin brother, “We don’t know if we have boy or girls so we probably cannot name them until we find out. But later Mom is going to push on their belly and if any of them pee—-it’s a boy!”
You just cannot make this stuff up! I love having kids even more at times like this!
So far I feel almost 100% certain we have one sow (female) Guinea Pig. The jury is still out on the other one.
However, I recently learned that sows can begin reproducing at 5 weeks old and since ours is 6 weeks old, how much do you want to bet that the other Guinea Pig is a boar (male)?
🙂 Still waiting on answers to your questions from my friend!
Kids are hilarious. And it's not just what they say but HOW they say it!