Today I flew into Charlotte, North Carolina with our 5 kids and 2 babysitters. One of whom strangers frequently mistake as my oldest teenage daughter (although she isn’t a teen), which makes me feel both old and flattered. She is a beautiful young woman and I like that as we wrangle kids together we look like a giant family…and let’s face it. I like giant families—hence the 5 kids, which I realize isn’t so giant…but tell that to the strangers that count my children out loud as we walk by!
We came to Charlotte not for a vacation, although it feels like it to my kids, but for the Type A Parent Conference. It is a blogging conference that I have never attended. However, right after the high of Blissdom, everyone was asking, “Are you going to Type-A next?” and I did something crazy and signed up right in the airport lounge, while we waited for our flight back home.
Now I’m here…and truth be told, I’m nervous. I’m missing my peeps and I’m nervous about making some new peeps.
Something people don’t seem to immediately recognize about me is that I’m extremely shy. I want to talk to people, but I freeze up. I have no idea how to make small talk. I’m so much braver when I have a job to do…and I don’t have a job.
But I’m here. I’m open to learning new things and meeting new people…and next year I won’t be wearing the rookie badge!
I am shy unless everyone else is more shy than I. Does that make sense?
How was Type-A? I was so incredibly blessed by Relevant that I'm not sure how others would stack up.