that I carried selflessly (forgoing all things sushi) for 39 weeks
began to call out to me in the night
It must be me she was calling out to
since Big Daddy “doesn’t do” night shift
At 1:30am this morning,
what did I hear coming from the baby monitor?
Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada
Returning to her nursery at 5:30am
I received the biggest smile ever
one that melts the heart and makes you not care about
the bags under your eyes
or the fact that you now consider
4 hours of uninterrupted sleep a luxury
With the voice of an angel my darling daughter said,
“Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada”
While feeding her oatmeal she proclaimed her thanks, enthusiastically
While playing with her on the floor
she looked at me with those big gorgeous eyes and said again
As I put her on the floor with her toys and left to start dinner
She called me back with
So, my precious baby girl has named me Dada.
I have no idea what she will call Big Daddy
But really, that’s his problem isn’t it?
My name is now Dada
LOL that’s so sweet!
I do believe she is the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen!!!!!! SERIOUSLY
I do believe she is the most precious baby ever. She must get that from her DaDa!
awwwwwwwwwww Very sweet! She’s SO cute!
Girl, you had me cracking up at the end! Here I thought you were going to boo hoo about her not calling you mama and then you throw that at me! Too funny.
Well, goodnight Dada! Your girl has absolutely beautiful eyes!