Dear Kate,
I am going to tell you what apparently none of the women at your speaking engagements have the nerve to tell you. Go home, stop going on speaking engagements & book signings, honor your husband, family and God and let your TLC reality show go. It won’t last forever, but your marriage could…into eternity.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:20-22
I read your book, and while I was surprised to learn of your faith, I took you at your word. We all fall away and are prone to temptation. But now that you have all the free merchandise and tummy tuck that you’ve wanted; Now that you’ve bought a house and have enough money to hire nannies and a body guard; I think its safe to say you aren’t on welfare and won’t be there any time soon. You don’t need the show to provide for your family. There are many families who provide just fine for their families without a reality TV show.
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:22
If you truly believe what the bible tells us then you know that God will provide for you and your family if you seek him. If you honor your husband and look not to things of this world. While your mouth says that your children are your primary concern, your actions do not convey this.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? “
Matthew 6:25-27
I say this because:
1.) You are not home with them while you are touring the country speaking about your faith and full time motherhood.
2.) You have chosen a show over a marriage to the father of your children.
3.) You disrespect your husband on national TV and in front of your own children.
4.) You let America into your home to watch your marriage and your children’s family life implode—for ratings? for money?
It’s not too late to do the right thing for your family.
You go, girl! 🙂 (Don't watch the show, but read the news.)
Amen!!! I have watched this family since their first one-hour special when the babies were 1 (I love big families). I have always felt that K did not respect J and was running the show. You have very nicely articulated everything I've felt about this family and J&K's marriage! Sadly, it may be too late for them, a very real tragedy for 8 innocent bystanders…
I feel what you are saying and agree for the most part, but I also feel very strongly about Jon's role in this as well.
I felt that he stated clearly last night that he is still young and wants to live his life. I don't see him really wanting much time with the kids, but that he just wants to start over and live his life the way he wants to.
Kate seemed genuinely broken last night, while Jon just seemed excited and relieved to be getting out.
Awesome post! Thank you for writing this. I hope somehow it will get to her. We women have been raised in a feminist society and (I for one) have had to relearn how to be the women God wants us to be. Our true joy will come when we give our husbands what they need – (my thought is food, sex and respect!) and in turn we will receive what we need. God Bless!
Amen sistah! Wasn't the show last night awkward? Good goo, it has always bothered me how she treats Jon like a dog! She is constantly yelling and it drives me crazy.
Oh, and what is up with Jon's new diamond stud earings?
It's so sad. 🙁
AMEN!!!! Have you thought of actually emailing this to her? I totally feel that this show has over taken them….and for what? In 5 years are people really going to remember or care!
While I agree that they should let the show go and she should focus more on being home, it would probably help too if Jon weren't running all over the place with other women. Marriage is a two way street no matter who you are or what you have.
There have been several GREAT comments about the fact that Jon has some repenting to do as well and I totally agree. He does. He needs to correct his behavior. But I think its fair to say that Kate calls the shots. So if anyone is going to pull the plug on the show it will be her.
While I don't condone his behavior AT ALL, I do think he was trying to give Kate a taste of humiliation…in a very immature and damaging way.
I directed my letter to her because we are both women. Both mothers, and like I said it appears she calls the shots.
What would you say to Jon if you wrote him an open letter? I'd love to see/hear.
Amen and Amen! If this show has taught me anything is that I must honor my husband and I must let him be the leader in our family.
I called Jon hitting the road early on.
I cannot imagine the nightmare this show will be when they are in the midst of separating AND sharing a house. While I applaud them for being the ones to pick up and leave every three days instead of having the kids go through that.
I think that they make something like $60,000 per show and I'm sorry, if they didn't pay cash for their house that's crazy. After that $60K could sustain them nicely for a year, do an annual update show and go back to your marriage.
Loved the post. I'm so sorry about the topic and especially for the children.
Wow, you took the words out of my mouth
Karin — this is just excellent! I love the way that you provided Biblical support throughout. This is such a sad, sad situation, and you have expressed (so much better) the exact thoughts that I had been having as well.
I watched their show the other night where it said they are getting a divorce. Isn't that just so sad?
I just wished they both stuck to their marriage commitment and allowed the Lord to heal their marriage instead of giving up on it.