This new home project while being a blessing, is really testing me in all areas of my life and sanity. I’m not complaining, I’m just sayin‘ (as my southern friends would say).
Take last week for example, I have to get out the door but I cannot find my cell phone…again.
Have you been there? Big Daddy says he doesn’t know why I even have one since:
a) I never have it with me
b.) In his opinion I never answer it
c) The reason I “never answer it” is because I forget to charge it so the battery dies so the phone doesn’t ring for me to answer it.
d) No one can leave me a voice mail message because I don’t check them so the voice mail is always full
e.) I’m always telling him I don’t know where my cell phone is.
So, as my grandmother used to say, I’m racing around like a chicken with my head cut off when my 6 year old son comes up to me.
Son: “Mommy. Mommy! Mommy?”
Chicken with her head cut off: “Not now.”
Son: “What’s wrong Mommy?”
Chicken with her head cut off: “Not. Now. I’m t-r-y-i-n-g to find my cell phone. I have to leave and I’m already late.”
Son: “Okay, but Mommy? Mommy, your cell phone is in your hand.”
Chicken with her head cut off: ??????
True Story.
Now the hypochondriac in me says that I am coming down with Alzheimer’s. But I’m hoping I have a temporary case of the stupids. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done this month?
ROFLOL! Oh my that is too funny about you having it in your hand!
As for the stupidest thing this month? Ummm… I can't remember.
As for your cell phone, a car charger would be a real blessing for an on-the-go mom that forgets to charge it at night. I'm sure you already have one, but just in case you don't. 🙂