Have you been known to
email yourself files, documents, or pictures?
Are you tired of flash thumb drives?
Or worse, cannot figure them out?
If you answered yes to any of those questions you really need to try out Drop Box. It is one of my new favorite finds and I shared it during my session entitled, “The best online tools and resources” at the Heart of the Matter conference.
I love how easy it is to use Drop box.
If you can drag and drop, you can use Drop Box.
Simply, download this FREE program and it creates a folder in your in box.
Then, whenever there is something you think you’d like to access on another computer (any computer with internet access) you add it to your Drop Box.
So easy!
Karin- I really enjoyed your session today at the HOTM conference. It was one of my favorites by far! Very encouraging and so much great information. I'm starting my first year of homeschooling EVER in Oct. I would love to start sooner but we're going to be moving next month and want to be settled before we start. 🙂 I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge and for all of the great links.
-CoCo (Marsha's sister)
I'm getting ready to move too—so I feel your pain! Although our move is so up in the air because we are already 4 months behind! Anyway, I'm so glad that my session gave you some inspiration and encouragement. Thanks for taking the time to tell me. It means a lot!
Um yes, yes and yes!
Very cool!
Ditto Coco! Well, about the how great you did part (not the moving part). I thoroughly enjoyed your session– it was incredibly informative.
Your session would be a great addition to homeschool conferences across the country. I'm just sayin'…
Brilliant! Now, if I had only known about this before my laptop crashed:(
that is so cool! i will have to check that out 🙂 Thanks!