When you have a road warrior husband, chances are you get used to doing a lot of things by yourself or on your own.
In our household, whenever there is a trip to the emergency room called for I can count on three things:
-Having a baby or child who is fast asleep
-Big Daddy being out of town
-Not a sole at my house that I can depend on to help me out
Last night was no different.
Just as I got Pumpkin(4) and Cutie Pie (17 months) to bed and was brushing the boys’ teeth, I noticed two huge lumps on G-man’s throat.
“What is this on your throat?”G-man:
“I don’t know.”Mom:
“Does it hurt?”G-man:
“Yeah, a little.” He said.Mom:
“Did you fall down?”G-man:
Did I mention we ate clams for dinner?
Clams he has eaten 150 times before (at least).
Clams that are a part of the 6 things he eats. Period.
It only took me an hour to wrestle up some help to come to my house. On the 11th phone call we (Big Daddy and I) found someone to come over until our babysitter could make an emergency run to the house. Big Daddy worked the phones from Philly while I worked the phones and calmed the nerves here in Florida.
G-man told me he was having a hard time getting a deep breath.
Turns out he meant that if he took a deep breath his stomach hurt too much.
When we checked his oxygen levels he was fine. But the lumps are incredible and almost 24 hours later they are still here.
We are still sucking down Benadryl at the maximum dose.
G-man says it is sour.
Clams are now banned from our household and menu.
We now have 5 things we eat.
Oh how I can relate to the things that happen when Daddy is on the road! Hope everyone is resting well now with the high doses of Benedryl!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Oh no! I hope he is okay!
(((hugs))) Glad he is doing better today! It does always seem that illness and ER visits happen when the hubs is away.
I can most definitely relate! Seems to always be when Daddy is traveling that something major happens. I'm so glad he's feeling better, but so sorry you are now down to five things. I can relate to that as well!
Sending you big hugs!
that's horrible! Glad you were able to figure it out quickly and he;s is OK.
oh no! Glad he's ok.