The iPhone just may change my life as a wife, mother and, dare I say it, homemaker. I know everyone doesn’t have an iPhone and I know that it might not technically be a need, but it really should be a requirement for modern day moms. And by requirement I mean they should give you one along with the formula when they send you home with your baby.
My kids are still picky little eaters but assembling lists is now oh so easy (and fun) thanks to Grocery IQ! With this ingenious app I can create grocery lists for multiple stores and even email my list to Big Daddy! You can enter your lists manually or, the really fun way, by scanning the UPC code. The scanner is truly addicting and fun. I’ve never had so much fun at the grocery store then when I was scanning my way through the aisles one day! It is available for the iPhone and the Droid, check it out here.
My Hipstamatic App makes me look and feel like a really artsy photographer. I still cannot believe the quality of these pictures—-from a camera phone! Using this app you can take stylized images (on your camera phone) without using photo shop or a photo editor. It makes documenting your daily life (and children) fun and easy!
Things is a list makers dream iPhone app. It works how you think, is easy to customize and tracks daily to do items and projects. I’ve scrapped most of my handwritten lists and truly enjoy using this app. Try it. You’ll be amazed. An honorable mention for this category should go to Home Routines for your daily routines, which I highly recommend having. If you are a follower of Fly Lady, many fans also love this app and customize it to go along with their Fly Lady Routines.
With Shazam you can stay on top of the latest music trends and impress your teens (or other Moms) with your savvy music know how. Here’s how it works:When you hear a song you like, or that your hip teen adores, you hold the microphone toward the music and Shazam will scan the song and give you the artist info. Easy!
Words with Friends is the best way to pass the time when you’re waiting, or hiding from your children in the bathroom…not that I’ve done that. I love playing Words with Friends and I may or may not have about 12 games going right now… Using the app players take turns playing (and you can also chat through the app). You can take minutes to play or days. The app lets you know when its your turn…There are two versions. One with ads and one without. Surprisingly the free version with ads isn’t annoying at all. The ad shows up AFTER you finish your turn.
I hope you liked my list and found a few new apps. I’d love to hear what your favorites are.
Dang, first I should get an iPhone.
Grocery IQ…I need that. I have all the others!
Um, why are we not playing WWF yet? I'm Vitafamiliae. Find me, friend!