I’m terribly shy in person when meeting people for the first time, or in large crowds with people I haven’t yet met. People are generally surprised to know that about me so I thought I’d throw it out there. If I’m quiet and not making much eye contact, it’s not you, it’s me.
Because I’m not a good networker I don’t think I’m going to bother coming with cool cards to pass out—-because I won’t have the nerve to pass any out anyway. I still have some left over from BlogHer 10 and if I can find them, I’m going to bring them…just in case anyone asks.
I go to bed early. As in before 10PM. I’m not a night person (unless my insomnia hits) and after a day spent trying to act like I’m not shy I will probably need to go to bed at 8:30PM. But the good news is, that I can sleep through anything—lights, talking, television, etc. I just pull the covers completely over my head and pass out. Unless the insomnia hits. Then I toss and turn all night.
I cannot read with background music or noise. I like silence for that. But don’t worry. I’m going to leave the books at home this trip!
I’m still on the fence about bringing Baby Sister. I am leaning towards bringing her because she is the easiest baby on the planet (and I want to show her off)…but I might not bring her because posting that your baby is the easiest baby on the planet is probably a major JINX. So I’m going to rethink that. Much like I should have rethought bragging to Big Daddy that I NEVER get sick leading to my unhealthy demise that included Pumpkin telling me I kinda look like a grandma now.
I might be too detail oriented for my own good. Sometimes I lose my way in conversations (see above) and go easy on me, because I’m shy (when meeting people for the first time) and its hard enough for me to talk in public as it is.
I have not read up on or prepared for Relevant in any way. So I’m going to need you to guide me. Just point the way and tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it. I’m still trying to figure out blogging and my place in the blogging world.
I have a sugar addiction. I eat more when I’m stressed…or nervous. Don’t get between me and a candy bowl is all I’m saying. The fastest way to make friends with me is to ask me if I want to join you for dessert. But order your own. I don’t like to share desserts. Got it?
I am VERY excited about seeing Marsha again and meeting Amy in person for the first time! I love those girls and I consider being their roommate an early birthday present to me!
Oh you are a sweetheart! I can't wait to meet you! I promise not to let Marsha keep you up all night or steal your dessert. 😉
One week! Yay!
This was so cute!!! Thank you for sharing and I'm a 10pm early to bed person too and am a little concerned that I might not get the sleep I'll need and THEN when I'm speaking – it's gonna be silly!!! Oh dear! What am I going to do? When you head off to bed – grab my arm and make me go too!!! Cause I am a big time people person and I just know I will not want to sleep – but I'll be paying for it in the morning!!!
See you there!!! Hooray!
aww Karin.. I would never have thought you were quiet..and your sessions at HOTM are so lively. I look forward to meeting you. And as the Pix-O-Sphere sponsor let me tell ya.. I am bringing CANDY…. see here
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels shy in big crowds, needs some sugar, and loses their way in conversations!
You need to try to stay up a tad later than normal since 8:30 your time would be 7:30 my time and there is NO WAY I can go to bed that early. 🙂 But maybe I'll get on a decent schedule on this trip, I really do prefer getting up at 6am and going to bed before midnight. It just doesn't always happen when I'm home… too many distractions and a mile long to-do list.
What's your drink of preference? Coffee, tea or soda?
Whatever you decide on baby girl is great with me. I would love to see her and please keep in mind that I am an excellent baby holder, walker, feeder, and play-er (if I do say so myself!).
Can't wait to see you, Karin!!!
I didn't realize you were going to be at Relevant! How exciting! You were one of my first friends on Twitter. It will be so nice to meet in person. I can't believe it's only 4 days away. Hope you have a great week!
I am just like you when meeting new people or in crowds. And it exhausts me to try to be otherwise.
Hope you have a fabulous time!
i am bringing my babe (and nervous about crowds, too). i think we'll be in good company.
(i'm a huge night owl, tho, but i'm hoping my baby won't be keeping me up!)
Well you are at Relevant right now! I can't wait to hear all about it!