In the last six months I’ve become an avid listener of podcasts. It has integrated so easily into my already busy schedule because you can easily listen to a podcast while: driving, waiting for children at activities, cleaning, cooking etc. I even listen to some episodes in bed with headphones when my insomnia rears its ugly head.
14 Favorite Podcasts for Moms (and their Kids)
Encouraging Podcasts for Moms and Homemakers
Inspired to Action- Inspiration for Motherhood with Kat Lee. Kat is a mother of 2 and an amazing source of encouragement for Moms. Everything on this podcast is applicable to mothers and leaves you feeling encouraged rather than further behind the goal of what an ‘ideal mother’ is.
Homemakers by Choice with Donna Otto Is packed full of grace and wisdom. If you’ve ever read any of Donna Otto’s books you will love this podcast. It’s like sitting down to tea with a wise Christian mentor.
God Centered Mom Podcast is a new one for me. I’ve only listened to a few episodes but it is worth a mention.
Christian Podcasts
Grace to you: John MacArthur I cannot describe it any better than they do on the podcast description page: “This powerful broadcast will boost your spiritual growth by helping you understand and apply God’s Word to your life and the life of your family and church. John MacArthur, pastor-teacher, has been offering his practical, verse-by-verse Bible teaching through Grace to You for 40 years.”
Organizing, Time Management & Productivity Podcasts
This is your life by Michael Hyatt. This is my go to for inspiration on productivity, writing and blogging. Although this weekly podcast is geared more towards business and leadership I always find nuggets that I can take away and apply to my own life and circumstances.
The Lively Show with Jess Lively is a bit eclectic so it’s hard to pin point exactly the best category for it but since the focus is on enhancing various aspects of your life I’m going to put it here. Each episode is in interview format and features a guest who has a blog or popular website.
For Entertainment only…
This American Life hosted by Ira Glass. This award-winning weekly podcast picks a single theme and covers it with multiple first-person stories and some fiction pieces. It is so well done it is addicting.
Serial. This is the podcast you’ve probably already heard about that covers a single crime in 12 episodes. Brought to you by the creators of This American Life and hosted by Sarah Koenig. The first series was the topic of much debate and speculation. If you listened to the series you must read this article: Jay Speaks Out!
Podcasts for Writers and Bloggers
How they Blog Podcast with Kat Lee. This was actually the first podcast I started listening to. In this podcast series Kat interviews successful bloggers who share their tips for blogging success. So many of my favorite bloggers have been featured on this show and it’s fun to listen to them after reading their blogs for so long. The feed hasn’t been updated in awhile but there are riches to be found in the archives.
The Lede from Copyblogger. If you are a blogger you probably already subscribe to Copyblogger. Think of this as the podcast version of the blog that is packed full of great information on marketing online.
Podcasts for kids
Sherlock Holmes Adventures – This is a favorite with our 11-year old boys. The sound effects are really incredible.
Classics for Kids Podcast is a great way to introduce classical music to children.
Storynory has classic fairytales, stories, myths and poems. It is great during lunch time or in the car.
Sparkle Stories is a weekly podcast that features original stories for children. There is a nice intro to each story.
Are you a fan of podcasts or are you a newbie like me? What podcasts do you turn to for encouragement? How do you organize and listen to your podcasts? Please share your tips in the comments so we can all learn from you too.
Hi Karin,
I’m so very sorry about the loss of your baby. (I hate when people say, I’m sorry for your loss)
I love your blog and I’m so glad you are back to blogging. (Please share what you are reading!!!! That is one of my fav. parts.)
I’m a fellow infertility gal (5 years- ended up with boy/girl twins, praise Jesus.)
I LOVE Podcasts and I’m so excited to have more to listen to. I can’ t wait to try out the John MacArthur one.
I also LOVE TED talks. Have you heard of these? I’m addicted to listening when I work out. Check them out. Lots of great topics. They are all less than 20 min. I love the really unique stories.
Kelly in Michigan