When my twin boys were about 14 months I remember reading an article in People Magazine (yes, I’m one of those people that read People) about a woman who ran a potty training boot camp. Accompanying the article was a picture of about 12 little ones on their potty with juice boxes in hand. After the two day boot camp the kids went home without diapers and their parents left about $1,500 poorer.
At the time that I read this, I the parenting expert of about 14 months, mocked these mothers. I thought to myself, “you have to be a pretty pathetic mother if you who would pay a stranger to potty train your child.”
After all, didn’t these women go to the library or watch Dr. Phil? After all, Doctor Phil claimed you can potty train a child in 24 hours with the right potty training doll and a promise of a party. I laughed and threw the magazine away vowing that this would NEVER be me. I mean I had housebroken dogs before. How hard could it be to potty train a human child that you could reason with… and bribe?
Well, my twin boys potty trained at 3 years and 3.5 years, they are after all individuals and not clones. My parents of course mocked me and claimed in “their day” the children were all potty trained at 18 months. But I didn’t buy it. After all, weren’t these the same parents who claimed to walk to school barefoot uphill, both ways? I was pleased with my boys potty training and my obvious advanced abilities as a mother.
When it came time for my daughter to potty train I felt it would be even easier. After all, she was a G-I-R-L.
And girls are just supposed to wake up one morning and declare,
“Mommy, I don’t want these yucky diapers anymore. I’m ready for my Princess Panties!”
Also my daughter is smart.
Truly, she is.
Did I mention she is homeschooled?
Yes, she is homeschooled, so of course she is brilliant beyond measure.
Aren’t all homeschooled children?
So why is she walking around in diapers still?
Why am I combing the internet trying to find that woman’s name and number so I can offer her triple the wage to come to my house in Florida and potty train my daughter?
The reasons are sadly:
- My daughter is homeschooled. I feel it is a reflection on me and my ability to homeschool my children if my 3 year old daughter is in diapers. Homeschooled kids are expected to do everything better—-and I feel judged. Every time someone comments, “Oh, she’s still in diapers?” I feel they are really saying, “How can you homeschool your children when you cannot even potty train your 3 year old?”
- I find poopy diapers just plain G-R-O-S-S. I mean seriously, whoever said, “You don’t mind changing diapers when it’s your own child” was just plain crazy. I still gag and I’m well into my 5th year of changing poopy diapers. I am not above handing a diaper to a child and telling them to “go ask Daddy to change your diaper” while I go hide in the bathroom until the deed is done. I don’t even want to think of the estimated number of diapers I’ve changed and will change before my tenure in poop is up.
I have officially given up.
If the Potty Training Boot Camp lady reads this post,
I just want to say—–HONEY CALL ME!
I have been humbled.
The pediatrician tells me my daughter won’t go to college in diapers.
I’m not so sure.
I so related to this. My daughter is an “on her own terms” kid. She finally was potty trained at 3.5 years old and within weeks even wore panties to bed. Homeschooled or not,all kids are different…And you are certainly not a bad mom b/c your girl is in diapers…but I hear ya on the gross part…there is just something wrong about changing the diaper of an older child.
Don’t feel bad my 4 year old girl is potty trained during the day but still wears a pull-up at night and my sister’s 4 year old boy goes to the potty at night but not during the day. Go figure.
Girl, it’s okay…our 5yo still has night accidents.
I was laughing through your post because just recently I had this discussion with other mothers. Have you ever noticed it is like a “badge of honor” the younger you say your child was potty trained? I have. People look at me crazy when I say that all 3 of my boys were atleast 3 when the were trained. Then they tell me how their child was trained by their second birthday…except for at night time, or if they went out all day they would throw a diaper on them or….you get the idea. I think it just makes them feel better to be able to say “I trained by…”. Yes, my boys were older but by the time we did it they were truly trained.
I have a daughter that will be 2 in December. I have never trained a girl. I too have heard about how girls are suppose to be easier. I will have to let you know how it works out—but don’t expect it anytime soon ; )
my mom also claimed i was potty trained at 15! months. i can hardly believe it. my kids were trained at 2 and 3, but i have friends who have had it much harder. hang in there. someday she’ll want to.
Every child in their own time.
Don’t fall victim to the worlds pressures. Remember you homeschool because you know what is best for your child and when . You do not need to follow anyone’s time line but your childs.
She will most likely wake up one day and say mommy no more diapers I want big girl panties, when she is ready.
Praying that day is soon for you.
I completely understand! I have 3 girls now 18,9 and 5. I fell into the trap the first time and tried at about 15-18months…horrible for me and her. She cried, I got mad. I then heard a very smart woman talk about reading….wait it relates..that children learn to read at their own rate. Well potty training should be about the same! I decided not to pressure her, to try everyday like it was the first day. Not to worry about at night..see I hate mattresses that smell like PEE so I used diapers because they were cheaper then pullups. They All eventually were totally..no accidents…no pee in bed..no yelling at about 4-5 yrs old. I know sounds like a long time but when you potty train a 15 month old what does that mean…panies ALL the time…probably not so is that actually potty trained…no…
The world tells us how and when we should do things…but God has a plan…Go with the FLOW….literally!