Before I write the rest of this post I want to start off with a little disclaimer. I am a very grateful mother of 4. I believe all children are a miracle and a blessing and I am very thankful to have an opportunity to be a mother. That said, there are a few lies that we women tend to tell one another and in the interest of public service I’d like to point them out.
Lie #1
You don’t mind changing the diapers when it’s your own child.
Would it be appropriate to say that is just a load of crap? But seriously, I gagged every time I had to change my twins diapers. With the third child I still gagged…then I got to toddler diapers on the twins and thought it just couldn’t get much worse than this…ah, but it did. Can you say stomach virus? There have been times that I have cut a onesie off a child and just thrown it away. The thought of changing someone else’s child’s diaper is just unthinkable. So while I’m happy to help a friend out, if your child isn’t potty trained or changing their own diaper—-don’t come knocking on my door. Sorry.
Lie #2
Once they are potty trained, it’s smooth sailing.
Potty training is a great milestone. One that I’d frankly love to reach sometime soon with my 3.5 year old daughter, but it’s also a pain in the neck. It also serves as the perfect illustration that we are just never happy with what we have. No sooner does someone potty train their child do they complain about it. I guarantee that there will come a day, shortly after your child is newly potty trained, that you will tell them to just pee in their pull up. Or worse, you’ll decide you want to go out for the day and you’ll put them back into diapers after they’ve been wearing big girl or big boy underwear. You see, no matter how gross it can be to change diapers, public restrooms are equally disgusting and then you also have the added inconvenience of making it to one within seconds of your child declaring, “I have to pee!”
Do you have any Favorite Lies we tell new mothers?
Oh great! That’s what I have to look forward too? I think I’d rather you lie to me lol 🙂
Good news! Lie: Teenagers are horrible. Mine were pretty sweet. I just joke about them a lot.
I knew I was going to love your blog! As the mother of twins, one of my favorite Mommy lies is when I hear other Mom’s explain that having children close in age was “just like having twins”. HA! I just smile and shake my head!
Happy Valentines Day!
The whole TERRIBLE TWO’s wasn’t true for me. Either time!
I always thought “Sleep when the baby sleeps” was a load of crap. It’s easy if you’re narcoleptic, but that’s it.