I’m going to take this writers prompt from MamaKat’s writer’s workshop and give it a 2nd go round. This time less tongue in cheek.
My parenting advice would be to have a 7-7:30PM bed time.
Its a lot easier to implement than you think and no, your children won’t get up at 3am.
They earlier they go to bed, the better they will sleep.
Just ask Dr. Weissbluth.
Or me.
You will be amazed at the energy you have when your kids are in bed by 7:30P.
Try it.
I double dog dare you.
Kids need to either nap or have quiet time every afternoon. Quiet time means you stay in your room, in your bed and stay Q-U-I-E-T. You can read books, you can sleep, but you cannot get out of bed (unless you need to potty) or play with your toys. I do allow my daughter to have her dolly in bed though. Quiet time lasts 2 hours in this house…and it’s heaven. The baby naps 3 hours. Another blessing. Its important to refuel and kids are less cranky if they get a break from you too.
After four kids, that’s what I’ve come up with.
What parenting advice do you have to share?
This is exactly what we do! Glad to know we are not alone!
Just stopping by from Mama Kat's. I don't have kids yet but we are in the process of adopting so I'm all about the parenting tips. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Ditto to you both! Our family does the same thing. My four year old started boycotting naps which really freaked me out. Then I started making her do quite time in her room. It is wonderful for her and me!
Oh yes! I think I'll start doing this ASAP! 🙂