It must be love that is making me drive 3 hours and 45 minutes per day to take the boys to/from nature camp. They are going to the most amazing nature camp this week, but sadly, I had no idea it was so darn far away when I signed them up! You see I’m one of those moms with no sense of direction.
Seriously, my 6 year old son sometimes gives me directions or points out when I’m going the wrong way. That tells me that it isn’t my fault. I was obviously just not wired to have a sense of direction. And so I accept it. As if I have a choice. And use my car’s navigation system. Which sometimes takes you the longest way possible, but at least you get there, right? Left to my own devices that probably wouldn’t happen, I can assure you.
After the first day of driving I starting seriously considering getting a hotel room near the camp. Spontaneous mini vacation (from driving)! But again, that won’t work because of all the darn appointments I have at the construction site.
So, today I’m going to try sitting around for 3 hours, reading a book and maybe blogging in a Starbucks (if I can find one without getting lost). Sitting around for three hours and reading a book or blogging sounds better than driving an extra 1.5 hours, don’t you think?
But even though I may complain to myself (or Big Daddy) and fill the tank up a few more times this week, the truth is, I really don’t mind. The boys are learning so much and having so much fun, I think it’s worth the extra drive and sacrifice of my time to give them this experience. I don’t homeschool them because it’s a fad or is easy. I homeschool them because I am willing to make the personal sacrifices that homeschooling requires, to reap the benefits that I see that it can bring.
I think moms are just wired that way.
I make a similar drive every summer to get my girls to Chinese camp. It's not easy, but SO worthwhile in the long run.
Enjoy and make the most of your time of solitude while they're at camp! It doesn't come that often!
It must be love! And how your love shines thru in your precious family!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
You can remind me to just deal with the driving this fall… when soccer, chess club, super friday and other activities start up again! I love living where we do, but sometimes I just wish we didn't live 30 minutes away from everything, including my favorite grocery store.
But some things are just worth it!
May your free hours be filled with wifi, hot coffee and a cream cheese danish (mmm… i love those things)!
It must be some sort of switch that turns on when you have kids because it happened to Lindee too!
I found you through Kim's blog…
(& just became a follower.)
Our 3 have gone to small, med, hug public, private, Christian, D.O.D. schools and homeschooled too :o) Throughout every experience (we're a military family and moved quite a bit), I have made it very high on the priority list to be very involved with our children's schools. (haha…at many, I am sure I looked like I was on payroll!)
Homeschooling was a blessing and we had so much fun on our “field trips”. Now our two girls are in dental school and our son is a college sophomore :o) Time surely flies!
Your little ones are adorable! and it was fun getting to “know” more about yo through your blog :o)
I'm fairly new to blogging, so if you get a chance to stop by, please let me know that you were there through a comment.
Blessings & aloha!
(also, I love your hair curly! I had read that you don't really “embrace” that…sounds like my oldest daughter, who straightens hers! I have stick straight hair and would love some bounce and curl :o)
I agree with you that moms just do that sort of thing! I can't begin to count how many miles I have driven for my kids over the years – and I'd drive every last one of them again:)
Oh, I've so signed my kids up for things that are too far away but totally worth the drive. And I get lost going around the corner. 🙂 Have a great day!
I love this blog layout. Mine is just a crappy black background with white words. Lucky.