Sometimes my children will ask me to fix something. But before I can even look at it properly, they take it back in their hands and go on about how it’s broken and they want me to fix it…yet I cannot seem to get my fingers on it—- because they don’t actually release it to me.
And so I do with God.
Not too long ago I came to God when an idea I had fell apart in the final hour.
In desperation I said, “Here God, if you want this to work out you will have to make it successful. I give up.”
And he answered me within 30 minutes.
God can be punctual like that!
But did I leave it in His hands?
Did I trust Him to continue to fulfill His promises to me?
Sadly, I did not.
After He had already shown me He could “fix” my problem.
I took it back.
Just when He was getting started.
And today it all blew up in my face.
As it should have.
Because I can do nothing without Him.
I can depend on no one, but Him.
“Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.
Joshua 23:14
Lesson learned.
And though it hurt, I feel a peace that was missing before.
Now, that I am trusting in Him to continue to fulfill His promises.
How about you?
Oh, I loved that so much.
Excellent post! Growing up (in Christ) is never easy, but well worth the pain.
Wow! A powerful lesson indeed!
Great analogy! Oh how “easy” it is to hang on to something that we should , as it's been said “Let go and Let God!”
Blessings & Aloha!
I just had to say thanks not just for your thoughts but for your courage in sharing what many of us have felt. I needed to hear that today! ~Mrs S