Do Stats matter?
I think they do in the Bloggy world.
And even though I cannot comprehend my blog stats, this much I do know:
Prior to attending Blissdom I had:
533 Twitter Followers,
111 Followers on this blog
255 Email Subscribers to this blog
and 90 followers on
I am somewhat curious to find out if anything changes after attending Blissdom.
Their is one statistic about the high number of people who delete their blogs after attending a blogging conference.
Will that happen to me?
What will happen to my blogging efforts post:
handing out cards with my blog address…
Networking & learning sessions…
Learning how to write better & engage my audience
Hanging out with a bunch of women who love all things blog for an entire weekend!
And that my friends is a mellow dramatic blogging cliff hanger if ever there was one. Stay tuned…
Why would they delete their blogs afterwards? How interesting.
Don't forget the little people after you get tons and tons of new followers from Blissdom!
What? Why would they delete their blogs after a blog conference? I don't get it. But you better not do it!!