I‘m now convinced that every woman should have an ice breaker outfit in their closet.
What is an ice breaker outfit you ask?
It is an outfit that draws people into you. This is especially helpful if you are like me and are shy.
Yes, I’m shy.
Are you surprised?
This is my new ice breaker outfit.
I wore it at Blissdom in Nashville. I tweeted to people, “Look for me, I’m wearing all black and have GIGANTIC pearls on.”
And they came.
Oh, thank-you Jesus, they came.
And I got a chance to do what I would not have had the nerve to do otherwise.
I talked,
I hugged,
I laughed
And most of all, I connected.
You look fabulous!
What a great idea!
Gorgeous. On the inside and out!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
i loved your entire outfit, right down to the shoes! you and ruthanne got lots of compliments on your necklaces.
hmmm… i should find a statement piece. accessories are definitely not my strong suit though. 🙂
COOL never heard of the ice breaker outfit. I will DEFINITELY need one or else I'll be in the corner hyperventilating. LOL