He used to send me flowers all the time.
For no reason at all.
I would read and re-read the card over and over, savoring every word, before finally tucking it away for safe keeping.
Through the years the flowers slowed to only special occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, or sometimes, apologies…
…I’d read the card quickly before placing it on the table where it would stay for a few days before it got tossed in the trash.
It was no longer something to savor, cherish or save.
It is easy to say HE changed.
HE stopped.
HE doesn’t.
But when I’m honest with myself, I realize that I changed and stopped too.
When was the last time you courted your husband? Or behaved like a woman who was being courted instead of a wife that was entitled?
We give so much of ourselves to people in the early stages of love.
When in reality they are more deserving in the later stages.
Boy does that sound like me. Entitled.
It is easy to say he should do this or he should do that. But I know I take him for granted too. I think it is easy to get a little too comfortable.
So true, however, I told my husband I didn't like flowers cuz they die and I wanted clothes or lipgloss and he took that as = pain in ass don't get anything. sigh* your right, I'll have to work up my charm.