Being a part of a community of faith involves being exposed to the life of Christ in others. Just as we are identified with Christ and his church in baptism, we now share life in Christ with one another. So to whom can you deliberately, intentionally, and sacrificially show the life of Christ this way?
David Platt; Radical page 98
We are in Orlando for our two-day adoption orientation. As I write this I am in my hotel room snuggled up in bed with my laptop and my copy of Radical that I’ve been trying to finish for longer than I’d care to admit right now. Not because it isn’t a good book…but rather because it is. Radical is a book that speaks truths that take me out of my comfort zone. There, I’ve said it. Or, well written it. You know what I mean—-and because I seem to make everything about adoption these days, let me tell you how this reminds me about adoption.
Adoption is uncomfortable at times. It completely takes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to face myself, my beliefs, my prejudices, my inadequacies, my inability to control everything and everyone, and it flat out forces me to move forward with faith into situations and circumstances that any sane person would frankly avoid.
Who else would fill out mountains of paperwork while navigating nonsensical bureaucratic red tape in the hopes (not a guarantee, but a hope) of it ending with them raising a child? Who looks at a profile questionnaire and checks yes or “will consider” when asked if you are comfortable accepting placement with a child that may have been exposed to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco?
The more I look at our adoption journey the more I see that it is really a spiritual journey I am on. I have no doubt that it is through adoption that I will deliberately, intentionally and sacrificially model Christ.
My heart is already growing to love someone I don’t even know. Someone whose everyday life and present circumstances may be completely different from the world I live in with my Christian husband and children. Someone who will give me, a total stranger, the most amazing gift and awesome responsibility imaginable. Wow.
I cannot even wrap my brain around what it must be like to give another woman your child. I cannot even wrap my brain around what I will feel like when I look her in the eyes and walk away with her baby, only I’ll be the one the baby calls Mama.
Sometimes I don’t know what to think about adoption. It seems so unfair that something that is born out of such tremendous love (loving a child enough to give them life and raising and loving a child unconditionally) can be paired with such grief and pain. I suppose it is true that God takes things and turns them to good.
I pray that my heart will be prepared to minister lovingly and faithfully not only to the child we are blessed to raise, but to the people who brought that child into the world.
I hope I get an opportunity to faithfully, deliberately, intentionally, and yes, even sacrificially, model Christ through this adoption.
I pray that I will do it well for His glory.
To whom could you model Christ?
That is extremely well written. I know it comes from your heart. I have wondered those same things about adoption. I admire people like you who open their home to children to love when they may not have had that to begin with.
Beautifully written.
The bible says Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Karin it is not always easy to accept God's will. Even Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane wrestled with God's will knowing he would be crucified on the cross.During my moms illness I prayed that God would heal her. God called her home. Though I was (and still am) very sad about it, I questioned “why would you take my mom from me when I prayed for healing”.The Lord sent me a revelation giving me insight to the pain and suffering she endured during her illness and would have continued to endure if she had been still with us.
I am a police officer and I see tragedy far too often. A mother cradling her dead sons body who was the victim of a drive by shooting and the pain in her face and her cries of whY!!! I too would
wonder why !!! God gives us free will, which means we have choices. The individual who chose too shoot that young man had a choice to do it or not. I am strenthened in faith in that there have been times in my life where I did'nt know what direction to go, and had no answers. I prayed and meditated about it and then out of no where the problem was solved.
Gods will is not always easy. But when it is all said and done we may receive a revelation into why it happended that way.
Kenny G email
love this. love you.
Karin I want to thank you for your blog. Since this a mommy matters blog, I think it appropriate to write about my mom.I have been dealing with the loss of my mom for the last 4 months, a woman who loved me more than anybody on this earth who supported me no matter how crazy the idea that popped into my head. I needed a creative way to express that. This blog has done that. Thanks for posting my comments on your blog regarding faith. You are more then just a pretty face, but a blessing. God bless you and your family.
Thank You! (O:
Kenny G
i read Radical on my way to california. it IS a great book!