On Mondays I blog about Marriage or Motherhood. Since I have 5 children and only 1 husband, I mostly blog about Motherhood.
Motherhood isn’t a job that gives you instant gratification.
For the most part, most of what you say, do, and instill in your children won’t really matter until they leave your nest. This can be hard, especially on the hardest days when you feel no one is listening as you repeat yourself for the tenth (thousandth) time.
On those days I choose to focus on what I call milestone achievements.
While society would tell me that my ‘work’ doesn’t matter or that it isn’t a worthy enough contribution to society or womanhood, I focus on the buds sprouting in the lives of my family and our children.
My two greatest achievements as a mother
1. My children have a love of reading
I taught our four oldest children to read. I witnessed the first words and the first book they’ve ever read on their own and I feel blessed to have done so.
There isn’t a day that goes by that they cannot be found reading, or a night that we don’t have to turn off the lights and pry the books out of their hands.
All those nights I read to them, when it would have been so much easier just to tuck them into bed. It wasn’t in vain.
2. My Children are Friends
People from large families always say what a gift it is to be from a large family. That there is nothing like the holidays with a roomful of siblings. But that’s taking for-granted that the siblings all get along. Not all families are close-knit.
Not all siblings get along.
I love that our children are friends. They actually like each other. I might even venture to say that more often than not, they prefer one another.
When the Road Warrior and I became parents it was important to us that our children were close. When we are gone from this earth they will still have each other.
We decided to be intentional about this goal, instead of just hoping for the best. We felt the way to do this was to not play favorites. Neither of us has a favorite child.
When parents play favorites they allow seeds of resentment to grow in the heart(s) of the unfavored as they compete for attention or praise. We make sure our kids never feel they are in competition with one another.
We don’t encourage or condone them tattling on one another. We don’t compare them to one another.
We give them room to like each other.
While our children certainly have outside friendships, it’s true they spend the majority of time with each other. This is mostly because they are homeschooled, but whenever I hear criticism about this fact, I think the same thing: You could do a lot worse than having your brother or sister be your best friend in this life.
What would you say are your two greatest achievements as a mother?
I am so glad I found your blog. There is a touch of beauty in everything I have read on here. I too am especially proud that my children LOVE to read and to learn for that matter and that they share a very special friendship.
This is an interesting question that I don’t think I’ve asked myself so far. Aside from just giving birth to them, period … I’d have to say that I consider it my greatest duty to teach them of Christ. I’m happy that they pray, read their scriptures, know basic truths that I’ve taught them, and so on. And … I think maybe my 2nd greatest achievement is that I let them be themselves. I know how to get out of the way when it’s not important, and encourage them to find their own opinions, paths, solutions, creativity, interests, etc.
I need to learn how to get out of the way more! That’s a great one Cheltz
I stumbled across your blog today…I came over from Life In Grace. I am really struggling with my children fighting and I want so much for them to just be friends. I loved reading your thoughts on this topic and wondered if you might have more advice to share. I would be so appreciative!
Very sweet. I love that homeschooling brought my lil’ bambinos together.
And yes, reading is essential. It is a skill. It is an art. It is an escape from reality, a journey into another world.
Hi Karin, So glad I have found another sister in Christ. 🙂 I love your two accomplishment. Reading and children loving and being friends are great accomplishment. Mine are that my 1.children love the lord. My son Peter writes such inspirational poems. 2.Is that they clean and can do every chore that I am able to do. It took many years to get them to do chores but they no longer complain and do them themselves. God is so good. I am so glad I found you through google +. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me. You are such a beauty. 🙂