If you didn’t have a Mother, you can still be a pretty good one. Use your past pains to become a passionate Mother.
Motherhood begins after you give birth. Which also means that you don’t have to give birth to be a mother and you don’t need a certificate, or legal document to be someone’s mother. The motherless often find mothers in unexpected ways…and so do the childless.
No matter how much you love and adore your children you will hide from them. You are human. It doesn’t make you the worst mother on the planet…but maybe it make you the third? Just kidding.
Potty training is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. There will be many adventures in potty training, many. Oh, and its true when they say your child won’t go to college in diapers. But you will have many days where it feels like they will—-and you won’t even care! So, never say never. Be prepared to be humbled.
It is important. It is easy. It is hard. It is complicated and no woman who takes this on is ever just a mother.
What have you learned about motherhood?
I have learned to savor even the most mundane or icky moments, because they grow up MUCH too quickly!
I have learned that just when I think I know what I'm doing or know what I'm talking about, I DON'T.
I learn that just when I think I have more time for myself… something comes along to fill it!
The hiding thing is so true! But I always think I am a good mother to hide. If I stayed and yelled – that would be worse:)
That God uses children to keep us humble, honest with ourselves, and utterly dependent on Him. Utterly.