Happy New Year!
To kick off 2011 I have been asked to join a group of bloggers that I respect in declaring 2011 a year for Him and for His purposes. I can think of no better resolution than to use my humble blog to promote His purposes and encouraging other mothers in their parenting. Please join me over the next 31 days as I blog about Intentional Parenting.
Spend the next 31 days with me…
Just as the Lord instructed Moses to do, we as mothers can place a daily blessing upon our children with these simple words:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Who wouldn’t feel loved and cherished if they had a daily blessing placed upon them? What better way to show your faith, trust in God and love for your child(ren) then by blessing them?
Of course you don’t have to recite the blessing as given above, you are free to create your own blessing for your children or may even choose to make up individual blessings for each of your children. I sometimes do this as well.
No matter what you choose, just choose to bless them!
If your children attend traditional school you may choose to bless them as they leave for school each day. If you are a homeschool parent, like myself, you may want to bless them at night after you listen to their prayers.
I simply lay my hands upon their forehead and say the blessing. If I forget, my children gently remind me.
Try it this week and see what a difference it makes in your own family.
Other bloggers participating in the 31 Days Challenge:
I L-O-O-O-V-E THIS!!! I have been praying to be a blessing to my children – and this gives me a literal “hands on” opportunity to bless them every day – thank you for sharing this!!!