We have a dinner tradition that really gets the conversation going no matter the age of your children. We call it Highs & Lows. It begins with a simple question: What was the HIGH point of your day and what was the LOW part of your day? We go around the table ( starting with the youngest child) until everyone at the table has had a turn.
Sometimes the low part of the day is: “When Mommy made me clean my room.”
Sometimes it is funny—because kids really do say the darnedest things, don’t they?
Other times it may melt your heart and occasionally it will break your heart.
You may be surprised at what you learn about your children through the process and this exercise also allows them to learn a bit more about your day too. Like anything, you may find a few rules and parameters may be necessary. In our house we don’t use this time to “tattle” on another sibling and we try to celebrate the highs and commiserate over the lows.
In addition to starting a conversation I really like that this teaches my children to find the “high” in the day. It is also a good reminder for me too.
Our family loves HIGH/LOW! We play it every night around the dinner table and I always learn things about each person that I didn't know before.
Loving your “31 days”!
Blessings to you,
Sue 🙂
Last year I was out to dinner and I overheard a family doing this. I love this idea! I don't have kids yet but I do it with my kindergarten students sometimes. Like you said, it can be very enlightening! (or just really hilarious)
I bet it is exciting when they remember the high quickly but have a hard time coming up with a low. 🙂