I’m so ready for summer. Because we homeschool year round we usually have a light schedule during the summer, except this year. I cannot even think about it right now without tearing up. I’m worn out. I feel sort of like the Worst End of School year Mom Ever, except in a homeschool way. Which makes me both the worn out Mom and the Teacher assigning more work. To make myself feel better we had our first Maryland Style Crabs of the season. Some men grill, my Road Warrior makes us Maryland Blue Crabs and it wouldn’t be summer without it.
Summer Inspired Links
I want to make these Summer S’More Kits with my kids for their friends.
This Cherries Jubilee Ice Cream Pie looks like summer, doesn’t it?
Click through 26 Summer House Tours and there’s a chance to link up your own!
TMD Recap
This week I shared DIY Pirate Party for Kids, our last kids’ birthday party of the season. Each time I say it’s my best party yet, but this one is. I even learned to use a sewing machine (very basic) in the process.
The {ditto} DIY Project continues and I hope you’ll link up with us in July. It’s going to be so much fun. I’m already planning a big trip to the fabric store.
Instagram Feeds to Follow
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I really love Instagram. It’s come a long way since just shots of everyone’s food or coffees with a heart in the foam.
Neil Kramer is a writer with a great eye for instagram photography. He lives in NYC and his city perspective will make you long for (or miss) NYC.
Up Close & Stylish is the feed to follow if you love fashion. I love looking at every picture she posts even though none of the outfits fit my lifestyle. It’s just fun to look.
P.S Are you following me on Instagram? : 0 )
We were given some crabs, not blue, and I don’t know how to reheat them. I see different information on the web. Can you help me with that? They are small whole crabs not legs.