A new routine has started in our household. One where Pumpkin likes to play dress up right before bed. When I sent her up to put on her pajamas last night, this is what I found her in…
Its all about the accessories, don’t you think?
Thankfully, Pumpkin is potty trained and only wears pull ups at night.
However, she now has an aversion to pants and prefers to run around in her underwear.
It’s always something, isn’t it?
Sweet pic! Thanks so much for popping by my blog. I wish you luck with your move!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someday we're going to see Pumpkin on Project Runway, I can see it now!
And all this time I haven't had a clue as to what I should wear to Vegas in two weeks. NOW I know!!! Thank you!
LOL! That's cute!
“The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize!” – Steel Magnolias
Love it! Glad you grabbed the camera!