I spent some quality time on the West Coast
refueling my Mommy Batteries.
I got a few highlights and a makeover too.
More pics to come…
Make-up by Alexis Vogel
Photography by Isaiah Mays
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Nikowa Lee says
AHH! Can't wait to see more. You're so beautiful!
Post-Modern Jen says
Karin, you're so glam!
Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy says
Whoaa, so beautiful!!!
Orr's says
Oh baby! I hope you went out on the town after or on a hot date with big daddy. I'll be mad if you went home and changed diapers lookin like that!
Shannon C says
You look fantastic! I looked at her site and at least you don't look like a porn star like some of those ladies! I know it says the “after” pics are untouched, but geesh, it looks like some people got more than makeup done! Anyway, you look GREAT, but from what I've seen, you always do.
MarshaMarshaMarsha says
Grrrr… hot momma!
Glad you had a great time and were refreshed. While I enjoy trips like that, there really is no place like home.
honeypiehorse says
Wow. You don't look like a mommy. Traitor.