This is the desk out in our back hallway. I love the distressed wood finish and the corkboard bulletin board. Distressed finishes are the best when you have young children! But there is also just something so comfortable about them too.
I’m still looking for the most perfect little something to put across the top of the desk. Any ideas? I’m also hoping that we can be done with all the patching so the painting can begin again. It drives me crazy, like nails on a chalkboard.
Not very many people can say that they custom built their own “Fixer Upper” yet that is exactly where my husband and I find ourselves. It is frustrating, stressful and downright unfair—but we are trying to focus on the blessing behind the aggravation.
It is also a wonderful opportunity to remember that this isn’t our eternal home and we won’t ever experience perfection until we finally enter it.
Are you struggling with things in your home that aren’t “perfect” that don’t fit your “ideal” that cause you stress and anger? What blessing could you focus on instead?
And here you thought this was just a post about decorating.
Well gosh, you went all deep on us :o)
Of course there are many things in my home that aren't perfect, too many to count! But you're right, I could focus more on that I actually HAVE a place to live!
I posted a picture of my files for you to see. It's on my little sidebar, but I haven't posted about it yet…I'm so behind!!
(I'm so excited to tell you about this weekend, it was closet reorganization time!)
Oh, I am beyond struggling with my home. I have no natural talents in this area, and now my 3 1/2-year-old is noticing. When the Pottery Barn catalog arrives, she is ruthless.
“This house is so pretty, mommy. Why doesn't our house look like this?”
Uggh. Maybe she will grow up to be a decorator and then she can help me out.
Most definitely! I think all homes become fixer uppers way before we think they should. It's a never ending battle. But, like you said, it's not our eternal home by any means. So, we patch the spot, paint again, and move on to the next room and do the same.