The Waiting Place by Eileen Button is a collection of essays about what it means to find yourself in a waiting place—-that place of limbo just out of reach of where we want to be or feel we should be. Eileen’s writing is both humorous and tender. I laughed as much as I related in a wistful and sad way. How often I’ve cried out that I couldn’t take the limbo. I hated feeling STUCK and now I have a name for it. The waiting place. It’s so perfect and oddly comforting to know that the waiting place is always going to be a part of the journey of life. The place where all must wait before God sets us back on the path He intends for us. The place that forces us to seek Him, to notice Him and above all wait for him. There is no escaping this waiting place so it must be embraced or even just endured.
I appreciated Eileen Button’s honesty as she approached this book. Especially after learning that her husband is a Pastor. Her writings about her personal struggles will give you more of an appreciation for what it means to be a Pastor’s wife as she describes living with her husband’s mistress—-the church.
Each Essay describes a different type of waiting place. Some are humorous such as,
“I’m waiting for my father-in-law to dispose of Mother Mary”
while others are more easily relate-able such as:
“I’m waiting for my husband to come home.”
“I’m waiting for my mother to accept me.”
Through this book Eileen tries to teach what she has learned in life, “To wait is human. To find life in the waiting place, divine.”
ahhh… i never thought of waiting as being a place. but how true.