Growing up, the weekends meant household projects for my parents with a morning ballet class for me or afternoon t-ball game for my youngest brother. Occasionally, we broke routine and went on a fishing trip or took visiting relatives to Walt Disney World. Because of this I’ve noticed that I view the weekends as a time for projects, while the Road Warrior views weekends as family relaxation time.
Because I’m trying to embrace the word: RELAX in 2013 I’m going to give it a try this weekend—-my two page project list be darned! Will it make me more productive and refreshed come Monday morning? Will I accomplish the same amount in a smaller amount of time because of this? Or will I come to my senses and realize what I’ve been missing out on all these weekends?
I don’t know.
I’m curious how you spend your weekends, is it the largely the same or entirely different from those of your childhood? Please leave a comment and let me know.
What I want you to know: Foster Parenting is hard {Rage Against the Mini Van}
One last chance {sellabitmom}If you’ve ever struggled with getting pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy, or know someone who has. This read is for you.
We plan to make these, this weekend: Malted Milk Rice Crispy Treats {Cookies & Cups}…actually, it’s a toss up between those and the Carmelita Cookies.
My friend (and personal trainer) Suzanne Bowen has started offering streaming workouts on her website, Suzanne Bowen Fitness. You can watch her workouts on virtually any device with an internet connection! This is amazing and takes away any excuse I may have had in the past for not working out. Which, now that I think about it, might not be so amazing for me! (I kid). Suzanne is as beautiful inside as she is out and I desperately want her abs. Check out her website and get 50% off the first month by using the code “tryme”
We received these amazing ribs from Montgomery Inn Restaurant as a Christmas gift. I cannot tell you how delicious they are and I never thought I was much of a ribs fan before. I recently sent a shipment to my sisters and ordered a few more racks for this weekend. They are fabulous. If you love ribs you should try them out. Seriously. Feel free to use coupon code JANRIBS and save 10% off your order placed before February 28, 2013.
Oh, and in case you were wondering. I see the irony in my telling you my favorite place to order ribs while providing links to the sugary desserts that I plan on whipping up this weekend, and telling you about Suzanne’s streaming workouts. I see the irony and I have no comment.
I think you should make BOTH treats!
Weekends were definite down time for our family. We didn’t have the finances to do extra curricular activities outside of school. Saturday was hang around the house or play with neighbor friends… after watching Saturday morning cartoons, of course! Sunday was church, lunch and Sun football on TV, church again, and then relaxing (okay, doing homework!) before the busy of school started again.