I was recently in San Antonio to spend time with the Road Warrior and then he followed us to Dallas to spend a couple days with us while I attended the Blissdom Conference.
This was the first time I felt all three of my worlds collide simultaneously: The Homeschool Mom, The Corporate Wife and the Blogger. At the time that felt overwhelming, but now I look back at it and realize I actually live that out every day. I am all of those things every day and I shouldn’t try to compartmentalize that.
The Blissdom Conference
I have a confession. I’m terrible about taking pictures during blogging conferences. If anyone took any photos of me (and retouched them to perfection) please email them to me and I’ll update this post. Until then, here are some recaps of Blissdom from my friends. I just want to say DITTO, to what they wrote.
Where have ya’ll been all my life? And Blissdom {Life in Grace}
Please see the photo of me in all my Texas Style Glory on Edie’s blog. After being in Texas with the Blissdom gals I have said ya’ll more than I ever have in my life, have a desire to swap my flip flops for boots and suddenly feel the need to decorate with cowhide and antlers!
A note on fear. For dreamers. {our Savory Life}
If you’ve never heard Jon Acuff speak, read his books or followed him on Instagram. You must.
Take the money and run {A familiar Path} her Arkansas sense of humor is just one of the many things I adore about Melissa. We now have an ongoing joke about chickens. Don’t worry about that reference, I’ll be blogging about it, and you’ll be laughing along with her at my expense soon enough.
New friends & new blogs to read:
Fieldstone Hill Design is a design blog by the incredibly beautiful Darlene. I love what she writes about being a Master Designer.
Living Well & Spending Less is written by Ruth. Whenever anyone talks about Ruth they always refer to her as ‘Sweet Ruth’ and after meeting her in person I have to agree. I was very excited to hear that she also lives in Florida and also homeschools her children. I hope to spend more time with her, craft, plan a party and who knows maybe some of those money saving tips will rub off on me?
After following her on Instagram & Twitter I was excited to meet Jen { Beauty & Bedlam } in person (she has 5 kids and homeschools too!) Be sure to read Making room for one more and Family Easter Traditions, I was inspired by both.
Worth a read:
Here comes the bride, waiting on a ‘reproprosal’ {The Chatty Momma} We renewed our vows for our 10th wedding anniversary and it was great. I think this should be a new trend. Women love weddings and being brides. Why not marry the same guy over and over in front of your children? Okay, I’m planning my 15th anniversary vow renewal now.
Feedly may be the savior that Google Readers need Enough said.
Two words the world needs {Jon Acuff}
xoxoxo thanks for the link love! can’t wait to read about those chickens…
I’m sorry I missed it and seeing you again!