I first read about Christmas Change on Lora Lynn’s blog, Vita familiae, when she posted about her (gorgeous) naked Christmas Tree. To be fair, the concept itself isn’t really new, although I like it very much.
How many of us have said, “The excess is just too much! This isn’t really what Christmas is about” and then gone on and done the same old thing as you did last year? I’ve been there. I’m so proud of Lora Lynn for risking arrest (read her blog to see what I’m talking about) and making a big bare statement in her home this holiday season.
Last year I posted about Rethinking Christmas, also known as the Advent Conspiracy. I reflected on our past Christmas and what I was going to do differently (last year). We did make changes. But in reflecting on it this year I have to admit that I don’t think what we did was enough. Sure my kids got less presents and were equally happy—-but, so what?
I like the concept of analyzing everything about your holiday traditions and breaking it down to simple truths.
Does it point to Christ?
Is it necessary?
Could we spend less in order to give more?
And finally,
Does it teach a healthy truth or perpetuate a lie?
This is what I’m reflecting on this holiday season.
What are you reflecting on? Are you making any significant changes in your planning or thinking? I’d love to hear about them.
I thought you might connect with this blogger and this post.
Thanks for the link, friend!