How many days is it until Thanksgiving?
No, don’t tell me.
I’m in a deep, deep denial.
Usually I have a PLAN.
So what if it’s color coded, don’t be a hater!
I have it posted (in multiple copies) all over the house.
I even have a time line that is so choreographed that our friends come over early to read it & watch.
I don’t know what has gotten into me this year.
I’m just not feeling it.
Yet, I’m also not ready to officially let it go either.
as in make a reservation at a restaurant.
I like to blame it on the picky little eaters.
If they weren’t so picky then maybe I wouldn’t be feeling this way.
Which is to say I feel nothing…
We have no family or friends coming over to share Thanksgiving with us.
I don’t have one of those families and neither does Big Daddy.
And by those I mean, families who love spending the holidays together.
Normally this isn’t such a big deal but tonight G-man asked,
“Is any of our family coming over for Thanksgiving?”
When I told him no, he said,
“Really? No one.”
So now I’m considering renting a family for Thanksgiving.
Can you do that?
Is it too late, if you can?
I guess it’s time to break out the holiday spirit and try to create some holiday traditions my kids can look forward to. Even if they won’t be practicing them with extended family.
Then, when they are older and have families of their own,
I can hope and pray that we’ll grow into one of those families who will do them together.
If you lived in my town we would totally be your extended family. Come on over!
I think it's time to add a new tradition to your Thanksgiving! Even if it's not a traditional tradition.
What that tradition should be, I don't really know. It could be family game day and homemade pizza night. Or maybe decorate for Christmas.
Or you could find other families that have no one to celebrate with… and invite them over to join y'all for games and food.
You know, I love spending time with my family. But Thanksgiving really is a blah holiday for me. Growing up, we'd go to my grandparents and as the oldest grandchildren, we'd be stuck babysitting all the cousins… and doing dishes for 30 people! So Thanksgiving has always equaled zero fun. Bleh, bleh, bleh.
Every day with my family is a day for giving thanks. I've never felt the need to have a holiday to make it special… and I love turkey and sweet potatoes year round. YUM!
Yes yes, make your own traditions within your own little family. Extended family can be nice, but when kids grow up, they always come back to those little things that “mom used to do.” I know my siblings and I do.