Today I am honored to speak at Heart of the Matter’s A Woman Inspired Conference on the topic of Household Management Systems. Prior to having children I was one of those women who reorganized for fun. My systems were complicated and I changed them often.
After I had children I started to wonder how anyone could have paid me for organizing advice and services! How could two little babies disrupt my life so much and they weren’t even walking?
What I realized was that as my life changed, my systems and routine needed to change. During the conference today I’m going to share what I’ve learned about Time Management, Space Management, Paper Management and Creating Organizing Systems that are tailored to your situation. It would be impossible to cover everything in an hour so, in the coming weeks, I plan on sharing more regularly on this topic.
Here are additional handouts from my session:
Laundry Care symbols & what they mean
How long should you keep important papers & bills?
IRS record keeping for individuals
Food storage safety guidelines
Suggested Tabs for your Household Binder
Suggested Tabs for Household Binders
Whether or not you were able to attend the conference, I hope this information will be useful to you and bless you in your household management duties. If it seems foreign to you or difficult remember that it takes 30-days to make something a habit (and it gets easier after 15). Stay the course and you will be blessed!
If you have a specific organizing question, please post it in the comments and I will try to address it in the upcoming weeks.
You were awesome! I loved your handouts! I can't wait to go home and get started.
I loved your last Time Waster you had listed:
Unrealistic expectations or perfectionism.
That is SO me! I feel like I don't have time to do things because I want them perfect, just like you said with the folders and caligraphy labels LOL! I want everything to be so perfect that I get so overwhelmed and just can't do it!
So thank you so much!!! You were the best!
I so wish I could have participated in the Inspired workshop this time. I loved it last time! And your presentation was amazing last year, I'm sure this one was too!
But homeschooling 3 and going back to school myself, and just started a part-time job, and just couldn't fit one more thing in this week 🙁
I do have a question about organization though. What computer programs do you use to keep all your stuff straight, calendar, record keeping, notes to self, etc. Do you use a computer application to keep everything organized? Thanks!
Nancy S.