I have been in a decorating funk. This is really something considering I used to work as an interior decorator.
After 9 months in our new house Big Daddy is starting to protest. I cannot say I blame him. He thought he was getting lifetime free decorating services when he married me and now he is feeling a bit like the cobblers son who has no shoes!
In my defense, there are quite a few valid reasons why I am in a decorating funk. But in Big Daddy’s defense, we need to get on with our life already and not continue to give up our joys.
Decorating is generally a joy for me.
I live for nesting. I was born to feather my nest and tend to my little chicks.
So, will you help encourage me as I try to get my decorating mojo back?
In return I will post inspiration photos and the photos of rooms or areas as I finish them. My photography skills are amateur but my heart is in the right place. Lets just try to fix one problem at a time, okay?
Here is the first inspiration picture:
Inspiration photo
I just love these old suitcases, don’t you? I think this is so clever to use them as part of a console table. I’ve always stacked them as end tables…but I would love to put a few together and make a console table for my master bedroom.
My guest room (excuse the temporary shades)
What do you think? Do you have any vintage suitcases to spare?
Love those b&w chairs!
No vintage suitcases at all. We have the plain old boring carry-ons.
I took a trip to IKEA today. Trying to decide if I prefer clean modern or the simple charm of contemporary country… but most likely it will end up a mix of stuff that I love. Just need to figure out how to tie it all together. Too many decisions! When we get the ceiling fixed (again), I can start decorating for real… you might get a few emails from me asking for your opinion, my stylish friend.
I love it! I am in a funk right now too. Now that I'm in my new place, I have no idea how to decorate it and I really need to so it starts to feel like home. I guess I'm waiting until all my furniture arives, I'm just waiting on my kitchen table now, next week!!!
Lindee has basically designed what I have so far. I love the colors we picked out for the living room area. Dark brown and baby blue, love love!
Hi Karen,
have not forgotten about you~ Tom got a job!! Praise God! So I have been busy encouraging…..getting him off to work~ So we MUST get together! I will I promise call and we will plan~ I want to encourage you….You are doing a WONDERFUL JOB!
Honeys are for honey-do lists…don't they know that? 🙂