This video was played during our two-day adoption class. The purpose of the class was to primarily give adoptive parents a heart for their future child’s birth parents and to learn about the various types of adoption one can have.
The story behind this video is that Mark Shultz is adopted. He loves his adoptive family and really had no desires to meet his birth mother or had any feelings either way towards her. He wasn’t angry with her but he also wasn’t filled with emotion about her either. While performing at a Christian conference (about adoption)an adoption professional spoke to him about what birth mothers sacrifice and give their children, how hard it is for them to go through the grieving process and what they hold on to throughout that process: the dreams for a BETTER situation that they wanted for their child.
This song was the result of his realization about how much his birth mother loved him, what birth mothers give and sacrifice——and how much he now loves his birth mother, even though he has never met her (at the time I saw this video).
wait a minute… tissue… ok.
i just clicked over here from edie's… i never watch videos longer than a minute, but watched this one all the way through. sobbing. beautiful, joyful song.
congratulations on your sweet baby girl.
wow! that is moving! thanks for sharing.
Oh wow. What a great video and song. Such selflessness.