Here is a cool concept that not only clears out your closet but helps the environment and another family. Interested? It’s as simple as 1-2-3.
Step one:
You go through your closet and take out all the jeans you no longer wear or want.
Step two:
You donate them to an organization that uses them to make recycled insulation that is used in rebuilding efforts by Habitat for Humanity in disaster areas.
Step three:
You tell all your friends and help get the word out and see if we cannot set a Guinness World record in the process.
Click here to find out where you can send your jeans or learn more about the process.
Easy enough, right?
So, are you going to do it?
Very cool! I made a quilt out of my old jeans. Well, when I say made I mean started. It's been sitting waiting to be finished for about 4 years now.
I know.