The Sneaker Teacher is now obsessed with making bagels over in Germany. Since I’m lucky enough to know her in real life I not only read her blog, but also keep in touch with her via email, which is helpful when you are considering taking on bagel making for the first time.
I’m so impressed she is making bagels and of course she encouraged me to make them with my children. My kids love to eat bagels and they generally love to help in the kitchen, so it seemed like a win-win proposition. Plus, Katie’s looked so good…and she was so encouraging…and did I mention we love bagels?
We used the directions and recipe here, that Katie forwarded me. Try it. Its really not as hard as it seems like its going to be. I promise.
I don’t know about you but I really love making things that look harder than they are. You get more points that way. Especially if you aren’t cooking as much because you have picky little eaters, like me. If you are going to put yourself out in the kitchen, why not go for the bang?
New York is known for their bagels and the secret is said to be the water. Go figure?
So, if you know any New Yorkers, you should ask them to send you a jug of New York tap water pronto, because the other secret to good bagels is boiling them first.
I think I’m going to make this a weekend tradition.
Any requests?
I'll take a batch of cinnamon-raisin here! Actually, we may have to try making some here!
I have always wanted to try to make my own bagels (I'm a good Jewish girl, love me some bagels w/ lox & cream cheese), but I'm too scared! I may have to try this soon….
I am going to attempt these this week with my son! Thanks for the inspiration!
i have been wanting to make bagels for a long time, especially since we don't have any good ones around here.
yay for you and your cooking skillz!
Yay! I've been craving bagels ever since you posted these on FB!
We have fallen out of the habit of making bagels each week, but your pictures have me craving them again. Homemade are so much better than store-bought. YUM!
I just saw this post! I made my first bagels yesterday and LOVED them. I think it is going to be a weekly thing here too. We did Cranberry Orange the first time and they were good!