A dream about having leather floor tiles.
I’m a barefoot person and leather floor tiles feel yummy under the feet.
I’m also not a carpet person.
Sorry, but I think carpeting is just gross and no one changes it as often as they should.
That said, we have carpeting in our house and I’m obsessive about vacuuming.
But what are my options?
I mean I love wood floors, but not for a bedroom.
Leather floor tiles are out of our price range.
As much as I begged and pleaded, a budget is a budget.
Or so says Big Daddy
Then I found Cork Floor Tiles and Cork Floor Planks!
There are many advantages to using cork flooring.
-It’s environmentally friendly
-Easy on the pocketbook compared to higher grade carpet
-Easy to clean (vacuum and mop with water)
-Natural fire retardant (wow, great for kids’ rooms)
-Impervious to liquids and gases—it doesn’t rot!
-Quiet underfoot
– Gorgeous and unique (says me)
So now I have a new dream.
A dream for cork flooring.
We’ll see what Big Daddy says about that.
Which are your favorites?
Cork is awesome! I really like the zebrano the best. 🙂 Which are you leaning towards?
I must live in a cave because I've never heard of or seen leather flooring…or cork flooring…you may be setting a trend here. I'm totally interested. 🙂